4 Important Parenting / Life Messages
After talking to my virtual Prenatal Mums and New Mums groups last week I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of 4 important messages that are so easy to forget.
1. Follow Your Gut. There are a ton of opinions, bloggers and experts out there. All with different ideas and ways of parenting. At the end of the day, its your baby. Do what works for you, your family and your baby. Follow your babies lead and go with your gut.
2. Survival. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact it rarely or almost never is. Get through each day, high five yourself for surviving and doing a bloody awesome job.
3. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air, sunshine and water into your system. Good for the body, soul and your heart. Smile and say hello to a random stranger while you are out. You need it and they need it.
4. Let go of the Mum Guilt. Easier said than done BUT imagine if we just let it go. It doesn't serve you. It doesn't serve your partner. It certainly doesn't serve your baby.
So let it go. (yes I have watched Frozen too many times lately!)
You are bloody amazing!
Much love
Both kids woke us up at 5am so we decided to show them the Sunrise at Curl Curl - Was gorgeous to talk about the clouds, colours and show Matilda how the sun comes out of the horizon.