Beaches Baby Blog
Dads - Finding The Comfort in Discomfort
Reframing it this way gives you a rationale and fuel for the struggle as it is an investment into your bond, why would you not want that.
And it will get better, the feeding, the sleeping, the cleaning, being together. You will get better and the baby will get better, you are learning and developing new skills together, 10,000 hours so the books tell me.
4 Important Parenting / Life Messages
After talking to my virtual Prenatal Mums and New Mums groups last week I wanted to take a minute to remind everyone of 4 important messages that are so easy to forget.
How Breastfeeding Mums Are Being Undermined.
A beautiful Mum popped into the shop this week, we got chatting and she also has a 4 month old baby who had just had his vaccinations. I asked her how things we going and she revealed she was upset because she had just spoken to the GP about how she was feeling like maybe she didn’t have as much milk as once before and the baby was waking up a little more than usual.
Self Care and the 4th Trimester
I started thinking about our villages and our self care post birth in the period known as the 4th trimester or the first 3 months post birth.
I am notoriously independent and a Type A organiser. So asking for help isn’t something I am good at and I am just as bad at accepting offers of help.
When my first child was born, I was determined that not much was going to change. That I could still do it all. And to be honest, I still did - to my own detriment.