Home Birth - A Positive Birth Story
Home Birth - A Positive Birth Story
Given everything that is happening in the world at the moment, there is a lot of interest from pregnant women in making the switch to home birth.
I have been meaning to write the story of Angus’ home birth for some time and there is no better time than now! I hope it helps you if you are considering a home birth or even if you just want to read a positive birth story to help you on your journey.
After quite a traumatic labour and delivery of my 1st child Matilda, involving induction, prolonged labour, forceps and quite an agonising recovery, I became quite passionate about birth and researching where it all went wrong for me.
From my research, I discovered I had given my birthing power away. I allowed myself to be talked into unnecessary checks, scans, monitoring and induction of labour instead of trusting my body and my baby.
There are a couple of misconceptions about Home Birth. Home Birth is not birthing on your own. It can be, but that is actually known as Free Birth. There is also a misconception that anyone who Home Births must be some sort of free love, alternative hippy style of a person who has the baby under a tree singing Kumbaya - Thats not me either! Although, since having children, I am much more open minded than ever before!
Home Birth is when you are in the care of highly experienced and qualified midwives. Midwives who would never put you at risk, your baby at risk or their license at risk.
A midwife who looks after you from Day 1. Who does all of your prenatal appointments in the comfort of your home. Who comes for the birth itself and then checks on you and your baby constantly for the following 6 weeks.
She literally becomes like family to you and the day she says goodbye after that 6 weeks, you shed a few tears because you think you just said goodbye to your Mum or your Sister. I don’t think many people can say that about a hospital birth!
In telling people I wanted a home birth, I found you get one of 2 reactions. The first is a look of shock and either silence or a comment of "I would have died if I had a home birth". The second is a comment of "oh wow, I wish I had done that", followed by animated birth conversation.
Hollie from Hen Photography took this lovely shot maternity shot at Freshwater beach.
After my positive pregnancy test, I researched local home birth Midwives and came across the amazing Sheryl Sidery. From the moment we met, we bonded and she just “got” us as a couple. The decision was easy for us and fortunately for us she felt the same and undertook us a client. (Check her and her daughter out at Birth Circle for amazing classes and midwifery support)
Next up on the birthing team was my friend and rockstar doula Charlie who agreed to come all the way from Western Sydney to be with me and support me.
Months of awesome appointments followed, each on lasting around an hour as we chatted, bonded and relaxed as we made our birthing plans together and checked on my little one.
So that’s how we came to decide on home birth.
The Day of the Birth
I had my 38 week appointment with Sheryl at 8am that morning, Matilda excitedly listened to the babies heartbeat and Sheryl announcing that the baby was engaged and I had the “look" of a women who would have her baby soon. Yep - that’s right, midwives who know you this well can tell by your face and how it changes that you are close to having your baby! Amazing!
Home appointments and our girl getting her insights into maternity care and her future sibling!
Off she went to her next appointment, Matilda went off to daycare and at 10:30 just as my husband Shane dialled into a video conference, I went to the bathroom where my waters broke.
Matilda had also broken her waters at the start of my labour, so I knew it could mean something or absolutely nothing. So I got Shane off the phone, called Sheryl, Charlie and my Mother in Law (in charge of Matilda and the dog!) and gave them the heads up and then got to work!
I’m a bit of a neat freak so I wasn’t about to give birth in an untidy house! We put everything away, inflated the birthing pool and around 1pm decided to have burgers for lunch! Shout out to Salty Rooster from Manly to be exact! Delicious!
After the burgers I finally started to have a few contractions and by 2:30 I was in full blown labour! It definitely caught me by surprise given that with Matilda I didn’t really go into labour at all and was induced about 30hr after my waters broke.
Sheryl arrived and quickly went about setting everything up, filling the pool with water and getting me situated. There was never any panic, she quietly kept an eye on me, occasionally offering a suggestion and doing what she called "waitful watching". Charlie arrived and between Shane and Charlie holding my hands and providing resistance and strength for me to push against, we worked through the contractions as a team.
I moved into the pool at this time and the sweet relief of the water was amazing! I resisted getting in for some time as I didn’t want my parachute of pain relief to be pulled too early but it was definitely time!
This labour was entirely different to my first. With an induction, the contractions are on top of one another, you don’t get a break and they are a million times more intense. You cannot catch your breath.
With natural labour, there is a build up, a peak and then a drop away followed by a rest before the next one. So much better to deal with!
During these hours together, there was no unnecessary internal examinations and no pressure to hurry things along. Just support, encouragement, music and laughter.
Around 6:40pm - just 8 hours after my waters broke and 5 hours after my 1st contractions, the contractions intensified and were on top of one another with little break - this was my transition period. I felt his head move into the birth canal and then the burn began. For me this was the worst part! The ring of fire, is no joke! The video of the birth is quite hilarious now as I did start to panic a little and scream repeatedly - It’s burning” to which Sheryl agreed - Yep - it burns! This is it!
I reached down to touch my babies head and that was all the inspiration I needed to keep going!
As soon as the head is out, the burn goes away - like it never happened. Sweet relief!
1 more big push and the shoulders are out and I pulled him up, out of the water and onto my chest.
Perfectly healthy and happy and honestly, that level of oxytocin is incredible.
Angus was born at 6:52pm.
When you have had a birth like this, its honestly easy to see why women go back for more babies! It’s quite the addictive adrenalin rush!
After some time, I got out of the water, birthed the placenta and snuggled on the couch with my boy.
No tearing, no stitches, just a slight graze. Given that with my 1st I couldn’t sit or walk for 6 weeks, it was absolutely incredible. My biggest fear was the recovery and it was like nothing had happened!
Pure birthing Joy!
My amazing birth team! Charlie, Shane and Sheryl - Rockstars!
Matilda came back around 9pm to meet her baby brother and that moment was just delicious.
I had a celebratory glass of wine, a cup of tea and some toast, a hot shower (the best one of your life is the one after birth!) and went to bed.
So, in writing this, I understand that this is not for everyone. This is not to convince you of home birth (although I would recommend it to anyone!). First time Mums are especially nervous and I understand that, but the reason I want to share this story is to take the fear out of birth.
Women are AMAZING! Our bodies are AMAZING!
When we are supported, safe and cared for, when we trust our bodies, when we are not interfered with, we can do AMAZING things.
Wherever you decide to birth, do so with a team that knows your desires and is willing to help you get the birth you want.
Slow things down, ask questions and push back if you feel something isn’t for you.
Stay at home as long as possible before transferring to a hospital.
Adopt a hands off approach - What does it matter if you are 4cms or 9cms? Your body will get you there, your baby will come down and out.
Trust your instincts.
Sending much love to all the Mamas out there, preparing to birth their babies in an uncertain world right now. You CAN do this.
Reach out if you need anything at all. I would love to help support you in any way I can.
Much love,
Peta xo