Beaches Baby Blog
To the Mum & Dad with the Really Hard Baby
I see you. And I feel you.
The baby that wants to be held all day until your back breaks.
The one who cries all day, no matter what you try.
The one that doesn’t sleep.
The one that doesn’t feed well or eat anything that you cook for them.
The one that doesn’t play independently.
The one that doesn’t share,
The one that freaks out when you stand up or walk away just for a minute to use the loo.
The one that won’t go to anyone else.
Tummy Time Tips
Did you know you can start tummy time with your newborn from birth. And it doesn’t mean that you have to just plop them on the ground which they hate! Its cold, away from your touch and scary!
Incorporate it in small easy to manage steps including:
Holding them on their tummy across your arms
Holding them high up on your shoulder